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About Us 

Incorporated at the Companies House, UK, in May 2024, AltKuz Circular Economy Ltd.

AltKuz Circular Economy Ltd is an offshoot of a Copyrighted Strategy owned by Promoter Firm, AltKuznets Sustainability Advisors Pvt Ltd. Headed by a PhD Director, the firm targets the entire global domain of GST-associated online transactions, and intends to bring about a cross-media, global Circularity Revolution that obtain verifiable gains to SDG Sustainability metrics. 

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Our Strategy

Our Strategy applies the 'Nerve Center' property of General Sales Taxation, and leverages it to mediate Sustainability-moderated taxes. Our Strategy incentivizes participation across all entities in the Externality Circle - Raw Material Sourcing, Refining & Primary Production, Manufacturing, Packaging & Transportation as well as Consumers and post-Consumption Disposal. 

Our Strategy offers short- and long-run benefits to participation to all transacting parties. We compute cumulating Circularity scores for each firm across its various Products traded online, and offer pre-negotiated GST rebates to Suppliers calibrated to their Circularity Scores. We issue incremental Participation Shares annually in line with traded volume, and price (& issue dividends on) those Shares by their Circularity metrics. Our Strategy obtains a Sustainability quantum increment that Governments may leverage in Sustainability (SDG) markets to recoup Taxes.

Our Strategy advantages and obtains the participation of large firms that trade significant B2B or B2C volumes online , even as it offers the Political Government an opportunity to leverage multi-media Sustainability gains with the WB-SDG program. 

Our Partners & Associates

Tax Authorities

We work closely with Sovereign & inter-Sovereign Tax entities to streamline regulatory incentives, and thus ensure our Clients & Customers - Manufacturers & Consumers - perceive a significant incentive to adopt & offer circular production and products.

Participants in our strategy benefit both, from reduced taxes on their online transactions, and from Dividends on units they cumulate. 

Program Administrators & Certificate Issuers

Our Assessors work with Certificate Issuers to ensure Certified improvements to Ocean, Land or Air Quality were indeed achieved.

Review & Audit of Recycling Certificates and Programs adds to effectiveness and ensures high credibility of our Sustainability Metrics 

Manufacturers & Transporters

We work with Manufacturers of all Sectors who sell or advertise their Products & Services online. We update their Circularity Scores regularly, and guide them to their Circularity Nirvana.

ACE also offers customized strategies & Renewable/Circularity Options to increment Transportation Sustainability that add to the Circularity Scores of Producers & Consumers 

Households & Consumers

Precinct Institutions, B2B Customers & B2C Households are offered the opportunity to increment the sustainability of, and circularize their purchases toward intermediate- & long-run benefits.

We offer short- and long-run programs targeted at Customer participation in our Circularity strategies. 

Join us in Our Circularity Mission

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Producers & Manufacturers

A.C.E. Ltd invites Producers & Manufacturers who transact online to subscribe to our Sustainability & Circularity-enhancing Strategies. 

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Sustainabity Finance Experts

A.C.E. intends to cooperate and co-opt various Sustainability Finance entities - whether in the Private, Public or Regulatory roles.  

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LifeTime Card Administrators

Precinct Institutions, B2B Customers & B2C Households are offered the opportunity to increment the sustainability of, and circularize their purchases toward intermediate- & long-run benefits.


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London, UK

Working Hours

M-F: 9:00 - 18:00

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